Website Redesign
Mental Fitness Coach

Powering Mental Fitness coach to become Digitally Fantastic
We developed a website that was ready to attract and capture customers. Introduced new colors to boost brand values and focused on representing brand messaging.
phase 1
Set clear Goals!
Focused on helping people get mentally fit, the coach Cara Bradley is a best-selling author & Brand Ambassador of brands in the healthcare space.
Create a unique and engaging brand identity. Boost conversions through the website and achieve better ROI through google ads.
The customer retention rate of the website went up 3X and the conversion rate for organic & paid ads visitors
grew by 120%.
Focused on helping people get mentally fit, the coach Cara Bradley is a best-selling author & Brand Ambassador of brands in the healthcare space.
phase 1
Identity system
phase 2
key messaging
Content that hits the heart and balances the brain.
“Feel Strong, Calm, & Clear!”
phase 3
Brand Imagery

Shift from “Busy Me” to
“best Me” – On Demand

Engaging, Energizing,
Entertaining & Electrifying

Relevant images and elements that support brand values.

Is your over-crowded
mind an overwhelming
place to live ?

Mental Fitness is the
New physical Fitness
phase 4
Here’s the redesigned website!