
Web Design | SEO | Content Marketing

We helped Zetwerk 2.3X its traffic in 6 months by adding 960 new keywords.


Organic Impressions


Organic Traffic


Content Pieces


About Project:

Zetwerk,  a Unicorn Startup in the Manufacturing Industry doing ARR >> 300M, collaborated with Qoulomb to boost its presence in the North American Market.

The goals were to

  • Design & Optimize landing pages for Google Ads targeting better Conversion Rates

  • Increase the volume of traffic coming from the USA

  • Rank for important keywords on Page 1 for worldwide locations

  • Low retention and engagement of customers on landing pages

  • Reduce the sales cycle by nurturing leads through content on the website, social media, and high-authority sites.


Prior to our collaboration, Zetwerk faced challenges in driving traffic from relevant keywords and a low engagement and retention rate on landing pages.

For nearly a year, scaling SEO by targeting multiple geographies was challenging. To address these challenges, they required a holistic SEO strategy focusing on scalability and rapid results. 


Our manufacturing-dedicated team for content combined with our experienced folks for SEO, we took a multifaceted approach, crafting varied and captivating content and fine-tuning technical aspects of their website. 

Our UI and marketing specialists worked on optimizing the landing page based on data from Hotjar Analytics and Google Analytics.

Tactic #1 - Collaboration with US-based PR and Guest Blogging sites!

While Zetwerk’s target market was the North American region, a significant amount of its traffic came from India. 

To effectively target the North American market, we collaborated with US-based brands to gain PR coverage for Zetwerk. Every month we engaged with 12+ Guest Blogging sites to get expert-led content published on them.

This partnership expanded Zetwerk’s reach and established credibility and trust within the target market.

Scaling the SEO

Creating a predictable plan with accurate projections:

Recognizing the pivotal role of content in attracting and engaging target audiences, we crafted a multifaceted content development strategy. This encompassed the creation of compelling white papers, engaging eBooks, impactful case studies, enticing lead magnets, and informative blogs.

By diversifying our content offerings, we ensured a well-rounded approach to capturing audience attention and delivering valuable industry insights.

Technical SEO Optimization:

We conducted an extensive technical SEO audit and found that many pages must be optimized for mobile devices. Our first target was to get a score on Pagespeed insights over 80.

Additionally, we implemented Image Schema, fine-tuned meta tags, and optimized page load speed. The progress was visible in the results and key KPIs in our weekly meeting.

Check our Technical SEO Optimization Checklist:

Strategic Off-Page SEO Backlinking:

After analyzing the backlinking profile, it was evident that Zetwerk was listed in only some important USA-based marketplaces dedicated to manufacturing brands. Further, we ensured that Zetwerk is listed as a top Supplier in Thomasnet, Thomson Data, Fabaloo, and more.

We also targeted top manufacturing publications and events across the USA to get Zetwerk featured and known in the targeted geography. This amplified Zetwerk's industry standing and earned quality backlinks from sites with 50+ DA.

Redesigning landing pages and getting 2X conversions

Changing the Information Architecture of pages:

For Google ads and SEO-focused landing pages, we revamped the landing pages, including decision-driving sections like
- Why Zetwerk is the leader of Smart Manufacturing
- Projects completed by Zetwerk were most efficient in the Industry
- The manufacturing detailing and success of projects celebrated by the client

Bringing the CTAs in right position:

To ensure that visitors are also converting via forms and demo calls, we placed small strips between 3 sections with a CTA.

Along with it, giving 2 options to connect with the Zetwerk sales team increased the rate of inquiries per page.

Modern design, Branding, and Unique approach:

Our design ensured that Smart manufacturing is not just slang used to represent Zetwerk. It resonated with the elements used and extensively used the elements of the logo to bring brand recall. This helped us catch the attention of visitors within the first 3 seconds.

Why is our client satisfaction score 95%?

For each project, we blur the line between an in-house team and an agency. How? – With a dedicated project manager. When you work with us, you get not only your extended marketing team but a dedicated person working only on your project. It allows you to have complete control, real-time updates, and smooth communication.

Tactic #2 - Creating Content Customized to Manufacturing

We always ensure that the content generated is highly relevant and accurate for the Industry. We collaborate closely with subject matter experts (SMEs). We hire them temporarily or permanently based on the scope of work and duration of the project.

This involved conducting in-depth interviews with industry insiders and providing specialized training to our writers.

By leveraging the insights and expertise of SMEs, we ensured the production of high-caliber, industry-specific content that resonated deeply with Zetwerk’s target audience. It established Zetwerk as the thought leader in the Industry alongside attracting attention from CXOs because of highly expert content.

Expert-led Content Generation

Beyond blogs, we produced whitepapers, reports, guides and much more:

To actually create an impact on CXOs of billion-dollar companies, the content should be multi-format. Our focus was to create a “Resources” page.

  • Whitepapers
  • Industry trends reports
  • Blogs
  • How-to guides
  • Ebooks
  • Infographics
  • LinkedIn posts and articles
  • Short-form videos for social media

From the amalgamation of marketing + manufacturing:

At every step of content creation, the key was to have the detail of a manufacturing expert but the focus of a marketing expert.

With reviews and checks performed in a step-wise manner, we were able to ensure that the content produced was SEO-optimized & conversion-focused. But at the same time, content had the nitty gritty done by a manufacturing professional.

Content repurposing at every step:

We understand that every second of a Subject Matter Expert is invaluable. Therefore, we document content in such a way that it produces multiple formats of content. While writing a whitepaper, we can create multiple blogs, social media posts, and internal training documents.

From a video of the product, we are able to create how-to guides, ebooks, and short-form videos for social media.

End-to-end content publishing, design, and delivery:

It was not just writing the content but managing it completely until the ROI hits. Our team has developers, designers, and website experts in-house allowing us to deliver everything you need.

We design thumbnails, and infographics, edit videos, create short-form videos, and optimize them for SEO. Even after, we track the visitor count, impressions, and other key KPIs to ensure results are delivered.

Creation of Industry Reports and Infographics:

We also generated extensively researched industry reports and eye-catching infographics.

These resources, such as "Top 50 Manufacturing Trends for 2022" and "Top 50 Aluminum Extrusion & Die Casting Manufacturing Trends for 2023," acted as databases of industry information.

Additionally, we created infographics brimming with industry statistics and brand references. These assets earned recognition from industry leaders and facilitated the acquisition of premium backlinks from revered domains.



Surge in Website Traffic:

Zetwerk experienced a notable increase in website traffic, with a 50-60% surge in visitor numbers compared to previous metrics. The website is now getting approximately +25K monthly organic traffic.


keywords started ranking in top 10:

The implementation of strategic SEO tactics led to a substantial improvement in search engine rankings. Over a period of six months, Zetwerk witnessed an increase in the rankings of key keywords, with many keywords entering the top 10 and top 3 positions.


High Quality Backlinks:

Through targeted backlink building efforts, Zetwerk amassed over 1560+ high-quality backlinks, further enhancing its online authority and credibility.

2X increase in Lead Generation:

The influx of quality backlinks and increased website traffic resulted in a significant boost in lead generation. Zetwerk observed a 5x increase in inquiries from the target audience, indicating improved engagement and interest in its offerings.

Shift in Target Audience:

With a focused strategy aimed at the North American market, Zetwerk experienced a notable shift in website traffic, with a greater proportion of visitors originating from the target geography.

In 5 months:
Before: 82% from India | 10% from USA
After: 68% from India | 25% from USA

In 9 months:
56% from India | 38% from USA

Growth in Revenue by 5X :

Zetwerk’s revenue grew by 5X during our tenure as their marketing partner. We are still working with them on their different verticals and brand expansion plans.


‘With Zetwerk, I collaborated closely with Qoulomb, witnessing their exceptional talent in content creation and SEO strategy. Their innovative approaches consistently resonated with our audience, delivered with meticulous execution. I enthusiastically recommend Qoulomb for any SEO or Content project, given their dedication and proven track record.’

Gopal Krishna

Head of Marketing & Sales - NAB Unit Zetwerk

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